6 Problems With Venetian Blinds (And How to Fix Them!)

If you’ve ever had Venetian blinds, you know they can be a pain to keep in good condition. But don’t worry – there’s an easy fix!

This blog post will show you six common problems with Venetian blinds that homeowners generally run into and how to fix them. Read on to learn more!

Problem #1: The Slats Get Twisted

One of the most common complaints about Venetian blinds is that they can get twisted and tangled easily. So why do Venetian blinds get twisted? It has to do with the way the blinds are constructed. 

Venetian blinds are made of horizontal slats, usually wood, aluminum, or plastic. These slats are connected to one another by a cord or string. 

When the cord or string becomes tangled, it can cause the slats to twist and turn. Once the cord is untangled, the blinds should return to their original position. 

Here are some things you can do to prevent your Venetian blinds from getting twisted in the first place.

  • The first step is to make sure that you dust your blinds regularly. Dust can accumulate on the cords and cause them to become twisted. To dust your blinds, use a feather duster or a microfiber cloth. Once a week should be sufficient.
  • The second step is to avoid pulling on the cords too hard. When you adjust your Venetian blinds, be sure to do so gently. If you pull too hard, the cords can become twisted.
  • The third step is to keep the cords away from heat sources. Heat can cause the cords to become warped and twisted. So, keep the cords away if you have a heat source near your Venetian blinds (e.g., a radiator).

By following these simple steps, you can prevent your Venetian blinds from getting twisted in the first place. As a result, you’ll be able to enjoy their aesthetic appeal and adjust them with ease whenever you need to let in more (or less) light into your home.

Problem #2: The Slats Get Warped

If you have ever dealt with a warped slat in Venetian blinds, you know how frustrating it can be. But don’t worry; there is a way to fix it! You can get your blinds back in working order with patience and household supplies.

Before you get started, gather the following supplies:

  • A clothes iron
  • A towel or other protective surface (to place over the slat while ironing)
  • Venetian blind cleaner (optional)


  1. Start by dusting or cleaning the slat. You may want to use a Venetian blind cleaner if it is dirty. Be sure to follow the instructions on the cleaner carefully. 
  2. Next, set up your ironing station. Place the protective surface over an ironing board and preheat the iron to a medium heat setting. 
  3. Once the iron is heated, place the slat on the protective surface and gently press down with the iron. Do not leave the iron in one spot for too long, as this could damage the slat. 
  4. After a few minutes of ironing, check to see if the warp has been corrected. If not, continue ironing until the warp is gone. 
  5. Once the warp is gone, allow the slat to cool completely before replacing it in the blinds. 
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each warped slat.

With some elbow grease and household supplies, you can quickly fix a warped slat in Venetian blinds! However, take your time and be careful not to damage the slats with too much heat from the iron.

Problem #3: The Blinds Have a Broken Slat

Remove the broken slat from the blind. First, remove the cord that runs through the headrail by depressing the cord lock and sliding the cord out of the hole.

Next, lift up on the slat above the broken one to release it from the hooks attached to the headrail. Once you’ve done this, you should be able to gently pull the broken slat out of the headrail. 

Measure and cut a replacement slat. The first thing you’ll need to do is measure the length of the broken slat so that you can cut a replacement that is precisely the same size. Once you have your measurement, use a utility knife or a saw to cut your new slat. 

Attach the new slat to the headrail. First, insert the top of the new slat into the hooks at each end of the headrail. Then, push down on the bottom of the new slat until it clicks into place. 

Replace the cord lock and re-string the blinds. Once you’ve replaced the broken slat, all that’s left to do is replace the cord lock and re-string your blinds, so they are operational.

To do this, start by threading one end of your cord through the hole in the cord lock. Then, thread both ends of your cord through the eyelets on each side of your blind’s slats. Finally, tie a knot at each end of your cord to secure it and trim off any excess cord.

Problem #4: The Slats Hang Crooked

First, use a level to check the wall where the blind is mounted. If the wall is not level, the blind will never hang straight. Use small shims to level the wall before proceeding to the next step. 

Next, check the brackets that hold the blind in place. Make sure they are correctly aligned and tightened. If they are not, loosening the screws and readjusting them should do the trick. 

Finally, take a look at the individual slats. If they are all hanging at different angles, one or more of them is likely bent. To fix this, simply remove the slats from the cord and straighten them with your hands. Once they are all straight, replace them on the cord.

Problem #5: The Blinds Won’t Open or Close

First, check to see if the cord is tangled. If it is, untangle it and try again. If the cord is not tangled, the slats may have a problem. To fix this, first, ensure that all slats are in the correct position. 

Then, gently bend each slat back into place. You can also try removing the slats and putting them back in place. Once you’ve tried all these things, your Venetian blinds should work properly again.

Problem #6: The Slats Will Not Tilt

There are a few things that could be causing your slats to not tilt. 

  1. The first thing you’ll want to check is the tension adjustment. Most Venetian blinds have a tension adjustment screw located near the top of the blind. Make sure that this screw is tightened correctly; if it’s too loose, the slats will not tilt properly. If the tension adjustment screw seems to be in good shape, the next thing you’ll want to check is the cord locks.
  2. The cord locks keep the slats in place when tilting them. Over time, these cord locks can become worn out or damaged. If this is the case, they will need to be replaced. You can purchase new cord locks at most home improvement stores. Once you’ve replaced the cord locks, try tilting the slats again. If they still don’t work, the final thing you’ll want to check is the tilter mechanism itself. 

The tilter mechanism is what actually controls the movement of the slats. If this mechanism is damaged, it will need to be replaced. You can purchase replacement tilter mechanisms at most home improvement stores as well. Once you’ve replaced the tilter mechanism, your blind should work again! 

3 Bonus Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Your Venetian Blinds 

Here are three bonus tips for cleaning and maintaining your Venetian blinds.

Tip #1: Vacuum Regularly

One of the best ways to keep your Venetian blinds clean is to vacuum them regularly. This will help remove dust, dirt, and debris that can build up over time. Be sure to use a soft-bristled attachment to avoid damaging the blinds. Also, vacuum both the front and back of the blinds.

Tip #2: Dust Regularly

In addition to vacuuming, you should also dust your Venetian blinds regularly. This will help remove any buildup since the last time you vacuumed. Again, a soft cloth or microfiber duster is all you need to get the job done. Again, be sure to dust both the front and back of the blinds.

Tip #3: Clean With Vinegar and Water Solution

If your Venetian blinds are dirty, you may need to clean them with vinegar and water. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bowl and use a soft cloth or sponge to wipe down the blinds. Rinse thoroughly with clean water when finished. Repeat as necessary until the blinds are clean. 

Final Thoughts

Venetian blinds are a popular choice for window treatments, but they can sometimes be difficult to maintain. However, following the tips in this article, you can keep your Venetian blinds looking their best for years to come. Regular vacuuming and dusting will help remove dirt and debris. At the same time, a vinegar and water solution can be used to remove tough stains. With proper care and maintenance, your Venetian blinds will look great for years to come!

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