Does Spray Foam Insulation Really Absorb Water?

Are you looking for a more energy-efficient and cost-effective way to keep your home warm? Then consider installing spray foam insulation. Spray foam insulation is a type of insulation that expands upon application, filling cracks, crevices, and cavities in the walls or ceilings of buildings. It has several benefits, such as improved air quality, increased energy efficiency, and soundproofing. But there is one potential downside: water absorption. This blog post explores how spray foam insulation absorbs water, the pros and cons of using this type of insulation, and the steps to prevent water from being absorbed by your spray foam insulation.

What Is Spray Foam Insulation?

Spray foam insulation is a type of insulation used in both residential and commercial buildings. It is composed of two liquid components that expand after spraying onto the walls or ceilings of buildings, creating an airtight seal. The most common types of spray foam insulation are open-cell and closed-cell spray foam, which are composed of polyurethane and other chemical compounds.

What Are the Benefits of Using It?

Spray foam insulation offers a variety of benefits to those who use it in their homes and businesses. It minimizes air leakage, which helps reduce energy costs, provides soundproofing from outside noise, adds structural integrity to the building, and can increase indoor air quality by inhibiting the growth of mold and mildew.

Does Spray Foam Insulation Absorb Water?

The answer is both yes and no. Open-cell spray foam insulation can absorb water, while closed-cell spray foam insulation cannot. However, water absorption depends on various factors, including the type of foam used and the environment in which it was installed.

Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Open-cell spray foam insulation is composed of a urethane compound and other chemicals. It expands upon application, filling cracks, crevices, and cavities in the walls or ceilings of buildings. However, its open cell structure enables it to absorb moisture from the air, which can cause it to swell and reduce its thermal efficiency. Additionally, if the insulation becomes saturated with water, it can grow mold and mildew.

Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation

Closed-cell spray foam insulation is composed of a different type of urethane compound that does not absorb moisture from the air. Its closed cell structure prevents water from entering or accumulating within the insulation. Therefore, closed-cell spray foam insulation is less likely to suffer damage due to water absorption and can result in a more durable and long-lasting insulation solution.

Pros and Cons of Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is a great option for energy efficiency, but it’s important to consider its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Improved air quality
  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Improved soundproofing
  • Extends the life of your roof


  • Expensive installation process
  • Fire safety risks
  • Potential for water absorption

How Spray Foam Insulation Works

Spray foam insulation is a polyurethane-based material that expands upon application, filling any cracks or crevices in the walls or ceilings of buildings. It works by trapping air and creating an airtight seal to prevent heat loss.

Different types of spray foam insulation

There are two types of spray foam insulation: open-cell and closed-cell. Open-cell spray foam is composed of a urethane compound that can absorb moisture from the air. In contrast, closed-cell spray foam is composed of a different type of urethane compound that will not absorb water.

What Happens When Water Comes in Contact With Spray Foam Insulation?

When water comes in contact with either spray foam insulation, it will fill the cracks and crevices between the cells. This can reduce the thermal efficiency of the insulation, as well as cause mold and mildew growth if left unchecked. Sometimes, it may even lead to structural damage if not addressed quickly.

Factors Affecting the Absorption

Water absorption by spray foam insulation is affected by several factors, including the type and quality of the foam used, the environment in which it was installed, and how well the area was prepared before application. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all areas where spray foam insulation will be applied are adequately sealed to limit water absorption.

Steps to Prevent Water from Being Absorbed by Spray Foam Insulation

  • Use a vapor retarder
  • Ensure proper installation of spray foam insulation
  • Monitor humidity levels in your home
  • Invest in waterproofing membranes and sealants
  • Inspect your roof regularly for any damage or leaks

Final Thoughts

Spray foam insulation is a great option for energy efficiency. Still, it is important to consider both its advantages and disadvantages. It does have the potential to absorb water if not properly installed or maintained. However, taking steps such as using a vapor retarder, ensuring proper installation of spray foam insulation, monitoring humidity levels, investing in waterproofing membranes and sealants, and regularly inspecting your roof for any damage or leaks can help prevent water absorption. Ultimately, spray foam insulation is an excellent choice for energy efficiency, but proper maintenance and precautions are essential to ensure its durability.

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